
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Zoo (a bit photo heavy)

35mm, f/8, 1/15, ISO:640
35mm, f/2.8, 1/1000, ISO:400
35mm, f/3.5, 1/800, ISO:250
35mm, f/5, 1/640, ISO:640

35mm, f/8, 1/1000, ISO:250

35mm, f/8, 1/125, ISO:500
35mm, f/8, 1/15, ISO:250
This memorial day some of my family and I decided to visit the Santa Ana Zoo. It was a humble little zoo with monkeys, birds, farm animals-and oh did i mention more monkeys. What a delightful day to visit the animals and family. Not to mention all the silliness. Hope everyone had a good memorial day weekend!

Monkey Business